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My Childhood

     Our parents and their grand parents makes us believe in all the things that are just imaginative, that are just created by our minds. I can say that many of us didn't believe in things that our eyes can't see, but once we experience some of this things, we surely will believe in it.      Back when I was young. I lived in not civilized and not known village. I lived there with my mother and and my other brother, my father is not there because he left us and look for another woman. Even without my father, we are happy because even we are just a poor family, every one of us works together to get our daily needs.      We are far from our neighbors, only two lived near us, the friend of my mother and a mean and old lady. She doesn't want children, so if we are playing near her house, she shouts to drive us away. Some say that she killed her own husband and eat him, some say that her husband left her and never comes back. She likes an animal that are wild, so she h

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